"Books are a uniquely portable magic."

-Steven King, On Writing

The what's what about this page:

Here it is . . . The (yes, The) Book Tracker. The tracker is broken down into two sheets: Dashboard and Books. On the "Dashboard" sheet (open by default) you will find a dashboard breaking down the raw data into a more consumable format. This page is alwasy up-to-date on books I have finished reading. I may change this around over time, but for now enjoy what I come up with! On the "Books" sheet (scroll to the very, very bottom of the Google Sheet embeded window) you'll find a full list of books and the raw data that drives the dashboard. I enter books here only after I have finished reading them. On this page you will also find a link to the Google Books page that will offer links to purchase the book. This page is managed by Google, so if the links to purchase don't work, I am sorry. I've only seen this a few times on some of the more outdated/obscure books, otherwise, in the majority of testing the links successfully pulled up the book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. That's all, please enjoy!

Some notes: Values from before 2020 are my best guess at remembering when I read a book, I plan to trickle in books here as I discover them on my shelves or in boxes and go "oh yeah, I read this!" I am not including repeats (such as "Harry Potter") or "kids" books ("Twas the Night Before Christmas," which is arguably not a kids book, but I digress). Lastly I'd like to note that I am not a graphic designer, so please don't judge the colors too harshly. Thanks!

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