Who I am.
Originally from Washington, D.C. I grew up on the east coast, moving to SLC at 18 to attend Westminster College. I spent my high school years dedicating every second of my free time to rock climbing, so Utah was the perfect location to continue exploring that passion while focusing on my education. I attended Westminster College, earning a B.S. in Criminal Justice with the intention of law school shortly thereafter. Somewhere on the way to law school I got a bit lost and decided that before making the commitment to practicing law, I should spend a few years working instead. Utah being the tech-hub that it is, I was able to find a job working in legal technology, allowing me to remain tapped into the legal world without the need for law school. It's a harmony that works well for me.
While I'm proud of my work and thankful for the passion it helped me discover, I am not wholly defined by my job. When I'm not working you can find me deeply engaged in one of my many hobbies, including climbing, biking, golfing, bowling, reading, or deep in a mess of spreadsheets tracking some new passion. I've always enjoyed tracking progress, whether it was the climbs I've done or my bowling average, spreadsheets, graphs, pie charts, and dashboards bring me genuine joy. (It's possible I'm a little wierd. I accept this). To date the app I am the proudest of is my book tracker. Reading has always been a passion of mine, so naturally a few years ago I thought "why don't I make a tracker for the books I've read!?" and that's exactly what I did.

Feel free to check out the rest of my site to learn more about me, see what I'm reading, view my resume, or contact me.